National Open University of Nigeria
                                                            14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island Lagos 
                                                                      School of science and technology
                                                                      March/April 2014 Examination 

                  COURSE CODE: BIO 305
                  TIME ALLOWED: 2hrs
                   Instructions: ANSWER QUESTION 1 AND ANY OTHER 3 QUESTIONS

1.ai. what is molecular biology .

  ii.outline the relationship of molecular biology to other biological sciences 

bi. list the major components of a nucleotide

  ii. describe how hormones control gene-expression

2ai. enumerate the importance of genes in heredity 

 ii. ecscherichia coli is useful in molecular biology discuss

bi.what did you understand by the term gene-expression 

 ii. Outline the characteristics of genetic code.

3ai. what is catabolism?

 ii. list the important features of glycolysis 

b. describe in details any two methods of determining DNA sequences

4ai. define DNA

  ii. write short note on each of the following


ii. tRNA

iii. rRNA

bi. what are the roles of DNA and RNA ?

ii. Describe the central dogma.

5ai. what is nucleic acid hybridization ?

 ii. write short note on the following 

a. cistron 

b. muton

c. recon

bi. list the stages involved in breaking down of glucose 

 ii. describe the process of oxidative phosphorylation 

6ai.Describe the various steps involve in the process of chain elongation stage during protein synthesis

 ii. what is DNA sequencing ?

bi. what did you understand by the term chromosomes 

 ii. Ecsherichia coli are useful in molecular biology discuss

you can also attend Online Classes,Online Colleges,online tutorials. to be well prepared for exam Goodluck.

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