National Open University of Nigeria
                                                            14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island Lagos 
                                                                      School of science and technology
                                                                October/November 2014 Examination 

                  COURSE CODE: BIO 305
                  TIME ALLOWED: 2hrs
                   Instructions: ANSWER QUESTION 1 AND ANY OTHER 3 QUESTIONS

1. a. Escherichia coli is used as an experimental model in molecular biology . discus                                        9marks

b. List the characteristics of genetic code                                       9marks

c. Describe the structure of the DNA                                                         7marks

2. a. outline the important feature of glycolysis                                                      6marks

b. write short note on the following :

  i- promoter clearance                                3marks

ii- chain elongation                                        3marks

iii. termination of transcription                               3marks

3. Describe with examples and illustrations the human genetic disorder                                    15marks

4. a. define DNA sequencing                    2marks

 b. Describe in details any two methods for determining DNA sequences               13marks

5. a. summarize the roles of DNA and RNA                                                         5marks

b. with the help of a good illustration describe the central dogma                     10marks

6. a. write short notes on each of the following :

i- chromosome number                           5marks 

ii- sex chromosomes                                5marks

iii- acistron                       5marks

you can also attend Online Classes,Online Colleges,online tutorials. to be well prepared for exam Goodluck.

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