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TMA Quiz Questions      SCORE 8.00



Dr. Chukwu Maureen (mchukwu@noun.edu.ng )

1 Which of the following is not a fundamental steps in the operation of the ecosystem?

2 In an ecosystem, the organism which changes light energy into stored chemical energy is the:


3 Which of the following do plants not compete for?


4 Which of the following will not lead to a reduction in death rate?

5 Which of the following statements is not a measure to halt human population explosion?

6 Which of the following is not a major community type?


7 Which of the following is not a survivorship curve type?


8 Which of the following is not associated with water cycle?


9 Which of the following is not an example of a terrestrial ecosystem?


10 What does the term ecosystem refer to?

11 The study of organisms in relation to their environment is called:


12 In the marine food web, the source of energy to the producers is:


13 . Which of the following is / are the non living components of an ecosystem? I. Mineral salts, II. Organic matter, III. Water, IV. Light energy.

14 Which of the following best describes a habitat?

15 Which of the following statements describe when a secondary succession takes place?


16 Plants and animals proteins are first converted by putrefying bacteria into:


17 Primary productivity is essential for which of the following?

18 Where does phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and cobalt for plant growth come from?


19 Which of these statements best describes primary productivity?


20 A feeding relationship where consumers feed on multiple species and are in turn fed upon by multiple species is known as:

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