TMA Quiz Questions
Matric Number:  SCORE=10.00
Dr Clark Anthonia (aclark@noun.edu.ng )
1 Which of the following is an approach that 
can be used to study Comparative Education?

2 The stage of historical development of Comparative 
Education in which educational practices of another country
 were subjected to critical analysis is known as

3 Which of the following factors according to 
Friedrich Schneider cannot influence the educational 
theory and practice of any country?

4 What can be viewed as second generation in the study 
of Comparative Education could be traced to

5 Whose publication among the following was purely on 
the comparative of school organisation and methods of 

6 Comparative Education draws its contents from all the
 following EXCEPT

7 Which of the following are the stages of historical 
development of Comparative Education?

8 The historical development of Comparative Education
 can be divided into

9 According to Kandel (1957) Comparative Education 
can be regarded as being

10 Educare means

11 Which of the following is an approach that can be 
used to study Comparative Education?

12 The stage of historical development of Comparative 
Education in which educational practices of another 
country were subjected to critical analysis is known as

13 Whose publication among the following was purely
 on the comparative of school organisation and methods 
of instruction?

14 Before 19th Century, Comparative Education was not
 really comparative but

15 The historical development of Comparative Education 
can be divided into

16 Which of the following is NOT a reason for studying 
Comparative Education?

17 Educere means

18 The world Congress on general development of
 Comparative Education 
came into being in

19 The Society for Comparative Education was founded
 in Nigeria in

20 Whose publication among the following was purely 
on the comparative of school organisation and methods
 of instruction?

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