TMA Quiz Questions
Matric Number:  SCORE=9.00
Dr Clark Anthonia (aclark@noun.edu.ng )
1 A stage at which the comparatives investigator is justifying his finding with his country is called_________

2 __report of 1967 greatly enhanced the development and improvement of nursery education in England

3 The school that is very expensive and meant for children of the upper class is____

4 The beginning of a national education system in Britain can be traced to the____report of 1926

5 The first quality expected of any one who wants to study theories and practice of another counry is_________

6 The person researching into other people's education theories and practice must not be biased means that_______

7 Secondary education in England can be categories into_______

8 Adult education in Japan is regarded as education for the _______

9 The first nine years of Japanese education is_____

10 As a democratical stae, educational oppourtunities are made available to all citizens of__

11 The education system in Afghanistan is divided into __ general sections.

12 __simply means a group of people from the same geographical location seeing themselves as one and begin to discriminate against others from another geographical location

13 In every society, there is social__

14 The first teacher training college in Nigeria was founded in_____

15 Nigeria as a country was able to produce only three civillian presidents since 1960 it got her independence in____

16 The first set of teachers to be admitted into teacher training were drawn from_______

17 Education in most if not all the African countries can have its origin traced to the ______

18 _____determines the state of educational system of a country.

19 ____is the level a child is expected to take another language in addition to his own local language

20 The first set of teachers to teach at the secondary school level in Nigeria acquired their qualifications from____

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