TMA Quiz Questions 
Matric Number:  SCORE=8.50
ENT419 - International Business I
MRS. YARO LAMI S. (lyaro@noun.edu.ng )
1 __________ is more challenging and appreciated than before

2 International business is the study of ___________ taking place across national borders.

3 __________trade is also known as export and imports

4 ____________are goods and services produced by a firm in one country and sent to another country

5 __________ is the study of transactions taking place within a country

6 International business could take a form of _____________

7 Early international business textbooks were written by Profd___________

8 During 1970s and 1980s the field of international business _________ greatly

9 ___________ is one of the needs for international trade

10 Domestic business contends with __________ group of problem

11 Reasons for going abroad include _____________

12 ___________ is created where GDP for capital is increasing

13 ___________ companys follows customer aborad to protect

14 ___________ means erecting import barriers to reduce competition

15 __________ endowment means international trade owes to origin to the varing resouces of different regions

16 ___________ condition means some commodities can only be grown under particular condition and on certain say

17 Each country having its own currency and obtaining currencies of trading partners is termed ______________

18 __________ is defined as a system of rules and norms that are shared among a group of people

19 Whenever a buyer and seller come together each expect to __________ something from one another

20 It is virtuallly impossible for a country of self _________

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