TMA Quiz Questions
PHY192 - Physics Practical II
Mr. Ibanga Efiong (eibanga@noun.edu.ng )
1 Diopter is the unit of

2 In an experiment involving the convex lens, , which of the following is NOT correct?

3 Describe the image of a candle positioned 20cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 30cm

4 Which of the following is correct about tracing ray digrams with curved mirrors

5 Convex mirrors are mostly used as

6 In an experiment involving a spherical mirror, 1/v was plotted on the vertical axis and 1/u on the horizontal axis. What is the linear magnification?

7 Which of the following is NOT true of experiments involving curved mirrors?

8 The null condition in potentiometer experiment shows that

9 The potentiometer wire plays equivalent role of which of these devices in a circuit?

10 The advantage of potentiometer over voltmeter in measurements of emf is that

11 Which of these is not a useful precaution in an electrical experiment?

12 Which of the following is not true about a rheostat?

13 In an experiment, potential difference is plotted on the ordinate (vertical axis) and current on the abscissa(horizontal axis). The slope of the graph represents

14 In the circuit diagram shown, the device marked X is a -----------------

15 The null condition in potentiometer experiment shows that

16 A ray incident on a glass prism undergoes minimum deviation when the

17 The advantage of potentiometer over voltmetr in measurements of emf is that

18 Which of these is not a useful precaution in an electrical experiment?

19 Which of the following is NOT true about a rheostat?

20 For a metallic conductor, Ohm's law holds provided

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