TMA Quiz Questions 
Matric Number:  SCORE=9.50
ENT419 - International Business I
MRS. YARO LAMI S. (lyaro@noun.edu.ng )
1 The full meaning of FDI is _________________

2 FDI occur when a firm invest _________in facilities to produce or market a prduct in a foreign country

3 ________ was the post wator of the product life cycle theory

4 The free market view argues _________ production should be distributed among countries according to the theory of comparative advantage

5 The ________ view traces its roofs to marxist political and economic theory

6 Practical economy is the stydy of how __________ actors influence the functioning of an economic system

7 A _________ is a government payment to a demostic producer

8 ___________ countries offer more market potential

9 __________ the length and width of the channel employed is affected by:

10 An international business man must think of appropriate __________ mix for his product

11 _________ selling is one on one selling in international business

12 _________channel is a logical and natural choice for costly industrial products

13 The function of an __________ broker is to bring buyer and seller together for a fee

14 An export management company manages the entire export programme of a __________

15 The product ________ desired by a manufacturer can dictate the manner

16 The type of product determines how that product should be _____________

17 The oversees distribution channel often has to be than disired ___________

18 It is important to always renumber that products are ___________

19 Specialty goods of today may be nothin than the __________ of tomorrow

20 ____________custom can explain why a particular channel is in existence

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