TMA Quiz Questions 
Matric Number:  score=10.00
ENT121 - Principles & Practice of Insurance
Ms Ume Eucharia (euume@noun.edu.ng )
1 Risk can be simply defined as

2 A typical speculative risk is

3 Man cannot exist without risk because it is

4 Insurance is an arrangement that

5 What kind of risks are suffered by Insurance companies?

6 A broker acts as

7 A full-time agent is

8 Buyers of insurance products are

9 Insurance is used to

10 Risk is

11 Insurance cover are meant for

12 Insurance business developed due to

13 Insurance business related to death claims is classified as

14 In a car accident situation involving two parties with third party insurance, each party makes claim to

15 A life insurance policy is based on

16 The main reason for taking up an insurance policy is

17 An institute cargo clause "B" covers

18 Duration of cover for freighted cargo is

19 Workers compensation claims for the 8th after injury or damage is

20 CAR is a policy taken for

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