National Open University of Nigeria
                                              14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island Lagos 
                                                                     School of education
                                                          March/April 2016 Examination
      COURSE CODE: SED 413
      COURSE TITTLE: Science, Technology and Society
      Instructions: ANSWER QUESTION 1 AND ANY OTHER 2

1a. what is energy? (2marks)

b. what’s are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy (10 marks)

c. Explain the term deforestation and discuss the causes and effects of deforestation on human society? (18marks)

2a.Discuss three reasons why you think it is necessary to teach science (3marks)

b. identify and discuss what the attitude of an ideal scientist should be (17marks)

3a. what did you understand by technology transfer? (6marks)

b. Discuss some of the effects of scientific and technological process on the society (14marks)

4. Discuss the contribution of science and technology to the following 

a. Agriculture (6marks)

b. Health (7marks)

c. Home (7marks)

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