TMA Quiz Questions
Matric Number:  SCORE=9.50
ENT328 - Estate Management
MRS. Olajide-Arise Temi (tolajide-arise@noun.edu.ng )
1 Urban reform is a long-term policy with the main objective of reforming the speculative tendencies that defines the line of physical growth.

2 The community self-help improvement approach involves single handedly the public and the slum dwellers take up the project without involving the government.

3 A community can undertake many projects including slum clearance, by raising funds through taxes.

4 The major aim of urban poverty reduction as executed in India cities was to eradicate poverty through social facilities and services.

5 Health and education were considered critical measures of non-monetary dimensions of welfare as well as important inputs into an individual's earning potential.

6 Which ONE of the following is NOT an approach in eradicating slums.

7 The strategy towards improving slum areaand residents life was introduced in India urban are in 1986 according to Barrett and Beardmore (2000).

8 ………. Is one of the approaches in improving conditions of the poor.

9 ………. Approach can be traced back to early urban civilization especially of ancient Greek and Roman Empire.

10 Which ONE of the following is NOT among the features of a new town development approach.

11 ………. Can be defined as the highest right a man can have to anything, being that right which one has to lands or tenants, which does not depend on another courtesy.

12 Which ONE of the following is NOT among the component of a property.

13 Which ONE of the following is NOT a characteristics of the real estate market.

14 A building can last for decades or even centuries, and the land underneath it is prctically indistructable.

15 Every piece of real estate is unique, in terms of its location, in terms of the building and in terms of its financing.

16 Real estate is locationally immobile.

17 Another name for real property is also called ……….

18 A house built with red sand or clay is usually refered to as ……….

19 People who leave in rural areas lack basic amenities such as electricity, water, goods roads etc.

20 A master plan is usually prepared in form of drawing and write-up for the execution of the scheme.

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