National Open University of Nigeria
                                                      14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island Lagos 
                                                                         SCHOOL OF LAW
                                                                         SEPTEMBER 2013

1. Apart from the requisite of academic qualification, a law student needs to be “fit and proper” to be

 called to the Nigerian bar. Discuss any four of the under listed, in line with the requirement of being 

“fit and proper”                          16marks

i.           Dinning etiquette                      4marks

ii.          Dressing                             4marks

iii.        Self comportment                   4marks

iv.        Misappropriation of funds              4marks

v.         sexual orientation                          4marks

            Bonus mark for neatness 0.5, articulation 0.5, flow of thought 0.5 - 1.5marks

2. Identify at least four legal issues from the passage below and discuss the legal principles guiding 

those issues. Peter a plumber, is asked by Bosun a mother of four young children to fix tiles in her

 three bedroom apartment at #25,000.00(twenty five thousand naira) only per room. Peter says 

nothing, but goes ahead to purchase tiles from Ego, the only person who sells tiles from only good 

tiles for UK limited in order to ensure quality. Whilst fixing the tiles he discovers that some are 

cracked. Annoyed he drops his work and marches out of the house o confront Ego. Whilst crossing 

the road he is almost struck down by raji who races past in his new vehicle failing to stop at the 

traffic lights which are red. Peter is frightened and jumps back to avoid the oncoming vehicle. He 

mistakenly knocks over Mai shai’s table of hot eggs, indomie and tea scalds his foot! Mai shai, looses 

10pacs of indomie 20 eggs and two flasks of already prepared hot tea         16 marks

Bonus mark for neatness 0.5, articulation 0.5, flow of thought 0.5-1.5marks

3. Bawa buys hot swiss rolls from raula’s shop. After eating them he develop a running tummy . 

determined to get to the bottom of it he manages despite the odds to make it to Raula’s shop and 

confront her with his condition. She refuses to accept responsibility insinuating he must have bought 

his swiss rolls elsewhere and is now railing accusations in order to cheat her of her precious money. 

Bawa loses his temper and threatens to destroy everything in her shop if she does not return his 

money immediately. Raula is frightened for her safety. Immediately returns bawa’s money and gives 

him another set of swiss rolls to pacify him. He takes them and storm out. Once outside he receives a 

call that tervee his young daughter who is four years old and had some of the swiss rolls too, has been

 vomiting and has been rushed to the hospital and has  been admitted for food poisoning. Her mother 

buchi is extremely angry reports the matter at the local government food inspection unit(FIU) and is 

threatening to sue Raula for everything’s  she owns. The food inspectorate tams arrives on the scene 

and shuts down Raula’s shop for investigation. Raula breaks the locks

Claiming that they do not have a warrant. There is a by-law that permits the FIU to shut down is 

business premises in other to forestall a food poisoning emergency . when Raula is notified of this, 

she adamantly states that local government have no authority to make laws for Nigerians citizens.
Please answer the following question with reasons                             16marks

Bonus mark for neatness 0.5, articulation 0.5, flow of thought 0.5-1.5marks

i. can bawa bring any legal action against raula,if so what               2.4marks

ii. is raula likely to have any legal remedy against bawa ?                  2.4marks

iii. Can any legal action be bought by tervee or on tervee’s  behalf, if so what and by whom    2.4marks

iv. Does the FIU have the authority to shut down raula’s shop?                  2.4marks

v. has raula committed any offence by breaking the locks?                  2.4marks

vi. Explain the term ‘breach of a duty of care’                     4marks

4. Discuss extensively two major obstacles to the enforcement of legal rights in Nigeria three means 

of addressing the attendant problems they present      16marks

Bonus mark for neatness 0.5, articulation 0.5, flow of thought 0.5-1.5marks

5.Irene aged 18 fell off tree and hurt her leg, because she feared the possibility of the involved 

treatment, she hid it for two weeks at home till it became gangrenous mother a nurse obuba observed

 her throughout the period knowing she had hurt her leg did nothing                      16marks

Bonus mark for neatness 0.5, articulation 0.5, flow of thought 0.5-1.5marks

5a. what legal issues if any are raised in this situation. What remedy maybe sought any?

5b.if obuba was a professional nurse, does it change anything                    2marks

5c.under what circumstance does a duty of care arise         4marks

5d. if Irene was 12years old, does it change the situation and in what way.            2marks 
6. Timon was clearing his courtyard: he picked up a stick and immediately spotted a poisonous tarantula
On it, known to cause massive hemorrhaging and eventual death to sting victims. He violently threw 

the stick which struck pumba who was having a satisfying meal of corn and coconut at his back yard 

away from his wife and children. The spider was dislodged by the violence of the throw and angrily 

stung pumba’s who was sneaking up to him, which pleased pumba she screamed and threw the spider 
over rafiki’s fence, whom she had several times  quarrels with and was quoted as saying she would 

deal ruthlessly with in the near future. Rafiki was terribly frightened but unhurt                    16marks

Bonus mark for neatness 0.5, articulation 0.5, flow of thought 0.5-1.5marks

6a. identify the legal issues raised in this scenario         6marks

b. assume you are timon’s counsel has any criminal offence been committed by him? if yes what and what are the possible charges he may face ?      10marks

7. in what court o you expect the following matters to be disposed of and why?                16marks

Bonus mark for neatness 0.5, articulation 0.5, flow of thought 0.5-1.5marks

i. A murder charge                     4marks

ii. A claim of bias of the electoral commission by a defeated presidential candidate.        4marks

iii. A dispute in respect of states territorial waters.                       4marks

iv. A child custody dispute               4marks

8a. Describe the term bail and distinguish between a police and  court bail and discuss the criteria for granting bail 

8b.briefly discus four grounds on which a bail may be refused                   6mark

Bonus mark for neatness 0.5, articulation 0.5, flow of thought 0.5-1.5marks
you can also attend Online Classes,Online Colleges,online tutorials. to be well prepared for exam Goodluck.

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