TMA Quiz Questions 
TMA: TMA2/BIO306        SCORE 9.50
Matric Number:    
BIO306 - General Physiology II
Dr. Chukwu Maureen (mchukwu@noun.edu.ng )
1 The transport system in animals is otherwise known as __ system.

2 Food materials synthesized in the leaves are trans poted to other parts of the plant through __.

3 The upward movement of water and minerals in plants is due to __.

4 The following are mechanisms of movement of molecules except:

5 __ is a kidney disease characterized bylessions of the epithelial lining of the renal tubulus .

6 An inherent disease characterized by the growth of numerous cysts filled with fluid in the kidney is called __.

7 The following amino acids constitute the major steps in kreb-itenseleit cycle except:

8 Where does the process of urea synthesis occur?

9 The following are functions of the kidney except:

10 Which of the following is not true of the vertebrates kidney?

11 Which of the following is/are the excretory organs in crustaceans? I. green glands, II. coxal glands, III. antennal glands.

12 In which of the following groups of organisms is the simplest true excretory organs found?

13 The excretory organs of the annelids is known as __.

14 Which of the following is/are the function(s) of the excretory organs? I. removal of waste products of metabolism, II. breakdown of ingested products in an organism, III. participate in osmoregulation.

15 Spiders excrete almost exclusively a chemical called __.

16 Which of the following is/are nitrogenous constituents excreted from the muscles, brain, blood and urine in animals? I. pterydine, II. creatine, III. creatinine.

17 The following are important waste products of metabolic activities except:

18 Which of the following are the factors affecting evaporative water loss in animals? I. relative humidity, II. baromic pressure, II. surface area, IV. temperature.

19 Which of the following is an example of osmoconformers?

20 A selectively permeable membrane allows __ to pass through it.

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