TMA3/BIO306 9:10:00 PM 0 T.M.A A+ A- Print Email File failed to load: file:///C:/Users/Lawal%20Bolakale/Downloads/complete/TMA3-BIO306_files/extensions/MathZoom.js My TMA Home TMA Results My Pending TMA Quick Help My TMATMA InstructionCourse DetailTMA CalendarGrading Message BoardQuick InfoInstructor Message Quiz NoteQuiz Tip - 1Quix Tip - 2 TMA Quiz Questions TMA: TMA3/BIO306 SCORE=8.00 Matric Number: BIO306 - General Physiology II Dr. Chukwu Maureen ( ) 1 The following are the end products of protein metabolism except: amino acids ammonia urea uric acid 2 Which of the following is not part of the cardiovascular system? blood fluid heart blood vessels blood 3 The heart is covered by __ membrane. pericardium cardiac prespitorium muscular 4 Which of the following best describe the volume of plasma? blood volume divided by blood cell volume blood volume minus blood cell volume blood volume multiplied by blood cell volume blood volume plus blood cell volume 5 Which of the following is/are nitrogenous constituents excreted from the muscles, brain, blood and urine in animals? I. pterydine, II. creatine, III. creatinine. I only II only I and II II and III 6 The following are important waste products of metabolic activities except: HCl Carbon (IV) oxide water nitrogenous compounds 7 What is the cause of the greatest amount of water loss to terrestial animals ? evaporation osmoregulation osmosis diffusion 8 Which of the following is/are the earliest group of animals that colonized the terrestial environment? I. colentrates, II. arthropods, III. vertebrates. I only II only I and III II and III 9 Which of the following types of circulation involves movement of blood between the heart all other parts of the body beside the lung? systemic double open close 10 Which of the following are types of circulatory system? I. closed system, II. single system, III. pulmonary system. I and II II and III I and III all of the above 11 The follwing are functions of circulatory system except: transport of nutrients to the tissue for their utilization collection of metabolic wastes from different tissues unilateral distribution of heat in the kidney protection of body by destroying pathogens 12 __ is the tisssue for transport in mammals. blood haemolymph blastocoel blastoderm 13 Which of the following is/are the excretory organs in crustaceans? I. green glands, II. coxal glands, III. antennal glands. I only II only I and III II and III 14 In which of the following groups of organisms is the simplest true excretory organs found? arthropods annelids molluscs plathyhelminthes 15 The most primitive invertegrates are __. salt water vertebrates marine vertebrates crusteceans cyoslostomes 16 Animals that maintain their body fluid concentration different from that of their environment are referred to as __. osmoconformers osmoregulators isomotics homotherms 17 Which of the following is a disorder involving injury to the kidney? renal tubular acidosis incontinence polycystic kidney disease rhadomylysis 18 The following are the phases in the development of kidney except: ananephros metanephros pronephros mesonephros 19 Kidney development is otherwise called __. cardiogenesis metanephrogenesis mesonephras nephrogenesis 20 __ are the excretory structures of the plathyhelminthes. vacuoles metanephridia flame cells coxal glands
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