TMA Quiz Questions 
Matric Number: SCORE=8.00
BIO191 - General Practical Biology I
Mr. Adams Abiodun (aadams@noun.edu.ng )
1 Field study is carried out in the study of biology to ------------------

2 In practical biology, you ----------------

3 Which of the following is critical for good drawings?

4 In the study of biology, which of these statements is true?

5 You display instructions in the labouratory using

6 You write instructions for display in the laboratory using

7 When a display is ready, it is pasted in the

8 Why should books, notes and purses be kept in designated places in the lab?

9 Why is it that you do not drink or eat in the lab?

10 The best anaesthesizing agent in the laboratory is

11 Which of the following does not belong to the microscope group?

12 All the under listed are parts of the microscope except

13 You look into the microscope through the

14 The slide is mounted on the microscope on the

15 The microscope is

16 The light microscope uses

17 When an object is seen clearly under the microscope, it is said to be

18 The ultra structure of an object is best seen with the aid of

19 A lab coat is

20 The female Agama agama is easily distinguished with its

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