TMA Quiz Questions
Matric Number:  score=9.50
GST102 - Use of English & Communication Skills II
Ms. Onwumelu Nora (nonwumelu@noun.edu.ng )
1 Which of the following may not form the topic sentence of a paragraph?

2 The ________ is commonly found in formal writing.

3 In spoken or written communication, being formal or informal depends on ________

4 The consonant /b/ is present in one of these words

5 The central controlling theme of a paragraph may be called the ________

6 The informal forms of words like deteriorate and aperture are ________

7 Clarity is very important when developing a paragraph by the ________ method.

8 In writing, when you work with several causes or reasons, you may find difficulty ________

9 When a writer gives examples in a given paragraph they are called ________

10 Illustrations in a paragraph are usually developed with interesting ________

11 The main idea in a paragraph is usually conveyed by the ________

12 The sound /ʧ/ can be found in the word ________

13 In formal written language the speaker ________ directly to himself or herself

14 A more ________ is needed to achieve a better description.

15 In descriptions, you need to be very conversant with the appropriate ________ to use

16 The language of official reports and business letters is often ________

17 The use of contracted forms of words is generally absent in ________ writing

18 Which of the following words contain the sound /a:/

19 Items like shapes, patterns, colours and textures are ideal in ________

20 The vowel /ʌ/ can be found in the word ________

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