TMA Quiz Questions 
Matric Number:  SCORE=9.00
GST203 - Introduction to Philosophy and Logics
Mr. Amusa Jamiu Oluwadamilare (jamusa@noun.edu.ng )
1 The word "Magister dixit" simply mean__________

2 _________ can be described as "immediacy of apprehension"

3 Deductive argument is valid if only if ______

4 An argument whose premises is true while its conclusion is false could be said to be ______

5 ______ is the name we give to the way awareness apprehends when awareness apprehends appearance directly

6 if I say I know "X" but "X" is not true, my statement is therefore_______

7 Philosophy is different from religion because ______

8 Philosopher says he “knows” somebody only when ______

9 The term " simple apprehension, judgement, reasoning and argument" constitute what is called

10 In philosophy, authority is the ______ of knowledge

11 ______ can be seen as a pre-condition for knowledge

12 According to Balm (1995:5), “intuition” is ______

13 Of the following, _____ is not a source of knowledge

14 _________ is the act by which the mind forms the concept of something without affirming or denying anything about it

15 Mathematics is to the science, ______ is to philosophy

16 In logic, to infer means ______

17 The premise in the statement “As soon as Dr. Ofotokun comes, he marks his scripts” is _______

18 ________ can be refered to as the Queen of all subjects acording to Otakpor

19 Syllogism is an argument, which contains ______ propositions, two of which are called the premise and the conclusion

20 Inductive argument proceeds from the experienced to the ______

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