TMA Quiz Questions 
Matric Number:  SCORE=9.00
GST203 - Introduction to Philosophy and Logics
Mr. Amusa Jamiu Oluwadamilare (jamusa@noun.edu.ng )
1 Talking about the source of knowledge, which of these is out of place

2 Which of these is associated with the rationalist

3 Who among the earliest philosopher described man as a rational animal

4 Perceptual experience is not sufficient to acquire knowledge except with _______

5 _________ is considered as the prima -matrix of human knowledge

6 Who are primary proponent of sense experience

7 The questions "what is mind" Does God exist" can be linked to branch of philosophy called

8 The questions such as "what is the relation between knowledge and reality" Is human mind capable of knowing? Are most likely from

9 Which of these components of philosophy deals with the study of morality of human action in society

10 The assertion "The only thing I know is that I know nothing" can be credited to _____

11 Which of these aspect of knowledge is not intereseted in the ontic but in the ontelogical questions

12 An average scientist always seek for explanation while the philosopher basically seek for ______

13 Which of the following is not a source of knowledge

14 The theory which believes that human beings can acquire knowledge of reality by the use of mind or pure reason is called____

15 All the following are part of logical processes except____

16 Which of these list is not a conclusion-indicator

17 Etymologically, philosophy means _____

18 A logical proposition is valid only when it can both be _________ and _________

19 ____ argument is the argument that involves general to specific

20 An argument in which the premises do not lead to conclusion and certainty and is based on probabiltiy is called _____

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