1 What is the impact of loss from risk? |
2 What is the frequency of occurrence of risk? |
3 Impact of risk event xProbability of occurence is |
4 Rate of occurence x Impact of Event = |
5 Risk must be ...in relation to their potential severity of impact after they have been identified. |
6 Esserntiallly risk assessnment is normally meant to ...information for the management of the organization. |
7 One of the various documents which can help risk managers to assess risk is... |
8 The technique a risk manager can examine operations of an organisation is... |
9 According to ...(2001), the fault tree as a technique can achieve two things. |
10 The technique that attempts to look at a chain of events in order to look at a chain of events in order to identify likely source of loss is... |
11 ...documents are prpared on new projects for use in assessing the risk exposure of such projects. |
12 According to ...(2009)" in several industries, some checklists for known operational risk are available and each risk can be checked..." |
13 It may be epedient for the risk manager to use the ...services of outside consultants in risk management. |
14 Risk manager constantly..., review and necessitate adjustment by the organization on risk management. |
15 The risk manager's role also borders on prevention or accident prevention. |
16 According to ...(1974) the risk manager needs advisors for obtaining fair loss settlement. |
17 One of the responsibilities of the risk manager is to...all the risk exposure. |
18 Risk manager should have a broad education-(1991). |
19 Which manager ensures effective Administration of the insurance programme of the organization. |
20 Which manager is expected to enforce on the financing of residual risk of the organization. |
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