TMA Quiz Questions
Matric Number:  SCORE=9.50
ENT421 - Risk Management
MR. ABIANGA E. (eabianga@noun.edu.ng )
1 Risk is to be evaluated in relation to their ________severity of impact after they are identified

2 Severity of loss is categorized as follows but________

3 Generally,__(2004) states that there is need for organizations to expect incidents of risks with the potential to destroy organization to occur.

4 Risk _________= rate of occurence x impact of event.

5 The financial strength of an organization is a major factor that detemines the level of risk which it could retain in its______.

6 The assesment of level of risk is normally performed to_______the level of risk an organization can accommodate.

7 Flowchart shows in a _________form the production operation in an organization.

8 ___________technique calls to look at a chain of events in order to identify the likely sources of possible loss to the organization.

9 In physical inspection, Inspector relies on his ________for collection of information.

10 Checklists and questionnaires could serve as______for risk manager to retain information of the state of organization's risk.

11 The organization chart shows________the different authority-responsibilty positions of the organization and lines of communication.

12 Risk________is a prelude to the management of risks in operations of any organization.

13 Basically, the risks in operational of an organization normally arise as a result of the______with different shareholders of the organization.

14 Some common methods of risk identification are the following but________based.

15 The relevant documents useful in detection of risk exposure of an organization include the following but_______.

16 Risk managers positions are usually expressed in the organizational________.

17 Insurance managers are also known as ________mangers.

18 The ______of risk managers employedbis suject to the size of business and scope of operation.

19 Risk manager is expected to be a graduate with______ background with cognitive years of experience.

20 Ther are______main types of transfering risk.

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