TMA Quiz Questions
Matric Number:  score=8.50
GST102 - Use of English & Communication Skills II
Ms. Onwumelu Nora (nonwumelu@noun.edu.ng )
1 Neither Dele nor his wife______ considerate

2 I am not _______ good judge of poetry.

3 Yola was occupied by _______ soldiers.

4 There are _____ consonant sounds in English language

5 One of the following words does not have /:/ as in 'birds'

6 which of the following does not have /ts/ in its initial sound

7 To speak English well, you have to learn correct __________ of words.

8 Symbols used to represent sounds in English are placed between _________ to distinguish them from the letters of the English alphabet

9 They ________ come here daily.

10 The dog hurt _____ legs

11 Break the word INCOMPREHENSIBLE into its syllable components

12 Either you or I _______ to blame

13 You are the one who __________ spreading the news

14 There are more sounds in the English language than there are _________ in its alphabet.

15 /t/ is silent in all of these words except in ________

16 Pick the odd one out

17 One difficulty found in English pronunciation is ____________

18 Which of the following words contain the CAPITALISED sound in 'priZe'

19 Which of these words has ONLY ONE consonant sound at its beginning?

20 The extra force used in speaking, on a particular word or syllable in English is ___________ .

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