National Open University of Nigeria
                                              14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island Lagos 
                                                                     School of science and technology
                                                          March/April 2016 Examination
      COURSE CODE: Bio 403
      COURSE TITTLE: Population cytogenetics
      Instructions: ANSWER QUESTION 1 AND ANY OTHER 3

1a.what did you understand by genetic drift (3marks)

b. Account for any three forms of genetic drift(3*4=12marks)

c. In a population of 100,000 people carrying the recessive allele, a for albinism, there are 100aa albinos, 98,100AA homozygous none albino carrier and 1800 Aa heterozygous carriers (10marks)

i. compute the allelic frequencies in the parent population

ii. Using hardy-Weinberg equation, predict the number of individuals of each genotype in the next generation   

2a. Account for the fact that it takes over several generations to approach equilibrium frequencies if the alleles are sex-linked and the sexes differ in allelic frequency.(8marks)

b. the number of individual living in a town is 300. A study showed that the number of individuals in the town with different M-N blood group phenotypes are as follows:

No of individuals

i. the genotypic frequency and

ii.the allelic frequency (7marks)

3a.what is the significance of a chi square test in population genetics studies ? (3marks)

b. A locus that code for transferring a blood protein in clethrinomysgapperis, three genotypes are found at transferring locus:MM,MJ and JJ in a population 

C. gapperis trapped in north America in 2010,12 MM,53 MJ 12 JJ individuals are found. Calculate the expected numbers of individual are found . Calculate the expected numbers of individuals with each of the observed genotypes(12marks)

4.calculate (i)the genotype and (ii)allelic frequencies for hemoglobin variants among  Australian where multiple alleles are present (15marks)

Hemoglobin genotypes

AA          AS           SS           AC          SC           CC           TOTAL
2,017     783         4              173         14           11           3,002

5a. distinguish between population genetics and transmission genetics (6marks)

b. write short note on the following
i. complete dominance
ii. incomplete dominance

6a. give a detailed description of founder effect (3marks)

b.write short notes on the following 

i. selective mating (4marks)
ii. Adaptation (4marks)
iii.Migration (4marks)

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