National Open University of Nigeria
                                              14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island Lagos 
                                                                     School of science and technology
                                                          March/April 2016 Examination
      COURSE CODE: Bio 411
      COURSE TITTLE: Parasitology
      Instructions: ANSWER QUESTION 1 AND ANY OTHER 3

1a. Distinguish very clearly between the following pair of terms:

i. parasites and parasitology   (5marks)

ii. Helminthology and malariology   (5marks)

b. using a simple triangle, discuss the usual web of parasitic disease  (10marks)

c. give one named example of the following groups of parasites: Protozoa, trematodes, acanthocephalans, arthropods  and cestodes    (5marks)

2a. List ten aims of epidemiology (5marks)

b.discuss briefly five branches of parasitology (10marks)

3a.using a schematic diagram discuss the life cycle of polymorphus spp (10marks)

b.briefly explain the terms “Disability Adjusted Life Years(DALY’S) (5marks)

6a. Enumerate 4 categories of parasitism and give two examples In each category (8marks)

b.Distinguish very clearly between host-specificity and host selection in host parasite relationship. And discuss the terms commonly used to define host selection (7marks)

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