National Open University of Nigeria
                                              14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island Lagos 
                                                                     School of science and technology
                                                          March/April 2016 Examination
      COURSE CODE: Bio 413
      COURSE TITTLE: Developmental Biology
      Instructions: ANSWER QUESTION 1 AND ANY OTHER 3

1ai. What did you understand by the term Assisted Reproductive Technology ? (2marks)

ii. define the term: Meiosis,grastulation and differentiation (6marks)

bi. Enumerate and describe four planes of cleavage providing names and examples(8marks)

ii.Explain the six general questions scrutinized by developmental biologists (9marks)

2a. explain the functions of a placenta(3marks)

b. enumerate and describe the types of placenta in animals based on the following

ii.degree of Association(4.5marks)

3a. define gametogenesis (3marks)

b.write short notes on any three of the following birth control methods

i. copper TIUD (intrauterine device)

ii.Depo-provera (4marks)

iii.contraceptive sponge(4marks)

4a. List the different pattern of embryonic cleavage (3marks)

b. give an account of the common methods of assisted reproductive technology (12marks)

5a.List the functions of sertoli cells (3marks)

b.outline the various type of eggs based on the distribution of the amount of yolk(6marks)

c. describe how male infertility can be treated (6marks)

6a. Outline the germ layers that produce the basic animal tissues.(3marks)

b. state the differences between cleavage and gastrulation (5marks)

c. In a tabular form distinguish between mitotic and meiotic cell divisions (7marks)

you can also attend Online Classes,Online Colleges,online tutorials. to be well prepared for exam Goodluck.

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