TMA Quiz Questions
BIO412 - Wildlife Ecology and convervation
Mr. Adams Abiodun (aadams@noun.edu.ng )
1 The Support Zone Community Programme (SZCP) by the National Park authority provides

2 The threat of wildlife resources mainly come from the following except

3 Which of the following is the reason behind the decline in the species of fauna in Nigeria?

4 Why was it hypothesized that people fail to link wildlife conservation and management to social services provision?

5 Forest policy improvement enhances _____________and ____________

6 Which federal ministry published the National Forest Policy?

7 The Agricultural Policy of Nigeria was published in the year

8 Which of the following objectives was not published in the Agricultural policy of Nigeria?

9 The Nigeria Conservation Foundation was established in the year

10 The establishment of the Nigeria Conservation Foundation marked the beginning of

11 Nigeria goals of managing wildlife for tourism for preservation of a national heritage remain hard to press for all the following reasons except one

12 Under Nigeria constitution, forest estate belongs to the

13 What are the major threats to wildlife in Nigeria?

14 Which of the following is not a challenge affecting our wildlife management?

15 Protection of endangered species is a _______of environmental conservationist

16 Government should provide scholarships and incentive to students in_________ based courses in the universities in order to encourage wildlife conservation practices.

17 The local people encourage the growth of desirable plant species by burning the bush. This system sometimes referred to as the

18 What does WWF presently stand for?

19 The objectives of CBD are as follows except

20 CBD stands for the

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