GST301 - Entrepreneurship Studies
DR SAMAILA MANDE (msamaila@noun.edu.ng )
1 The concept 'enterpreneur' was first coined by ………………..?

2 The non-continuous process of combining resources of time, man, money, and materials to create products,services and ideas is ………….

3 An individual that exhibits innovative abilities, perceives the market opportunities and has the motivation,drive and ability to mobilize resources to meet market opportunities,while working in an existing organization is referred to as a(an)…………………………...

4 The characteristics of enterpreneurs as risk-bearers, coordinators and organizers,gap-fillers, leaders and innovators or creative imitators were listed by ……………….

5 The two disciplines where entrepreneurship originated were ……………… / …………….

6 The one who created a new enterprise in a risky and uncertain environment is referred to as a (an)……………….

7 Which one of the following is not considered as entrepreneurship?

8 The scholar who first stressed the significance of entrepreneurship for economic growth is ………………

9 When an entrepreneur directs and controls all organizational activities to ensure that things are done properly on schedule, he is performing the …………….role

10 An entrepreneur who starts a business with a fresh idea is simply performing a ………………..role.

11 Which of the following affect the supply of entrepreneurship ?

12 Creativity is:

13 The first step in creative process according to Holt (1992) is :

14 The following are forms of innovation except:

15 When innovation brings about a new dominant design and consequently,a new set of core design concepts embodied in components that are linked together in a new architecture,it is known as:

16 When innovation brings about the reconfiguration of an established system to link together components and parts in a new way,it is know as:

17 Creative process according to Holt (1992) can be classified into:

18 When innovation consists of market research,product design, and innovations in advertising and promotion,it can be said to be :

19 According to Adams (2005) the following are critical to individual creativity except:

20 The concept "environment" can also be referred to as …………………….

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