TMA Quiz Questions 
TMA: TMA4/BIO306    SCORE  7.00
Matric Number:  
BIO306 - General Physiology II
Dr. Chukwu Maureen (mchukwu@noun.edu.ng )
1 Animals whose body fluid concentration is exactly the same as that of their immediate environment are referred to as __.

2 Osmosis involves the movement of water across a __ membrane.

3 Which of the following is not true of polyploids?

4 Chromosal changes that affects the whole set of chromosomes is referd to as ?

5 The excretory organs of the annelids is known as __.

6 Which of the following is/are the function(s) of the excretory organs? I. removal of waste products of metabolism, II. breakdown of ingested products in an organism, III. participate in osmoregulation.

7 Marine teleost fishes excrete a large proportion of their nitrogen as __.

8 Whixh of the following nitrogenous constituents are regarded as excretory product which is very important in insects?

9 The vertebrates kidney is made of repeating units of called __.

10 __ made up the excertory system of earthworms.

11 The excretory system in flatworms comprises __.

12 Which of the following can convert glucose to polysaccharide glycogen? I. Muscle, II. liver, III. ddipose cells

13 Where does the process of urea synthesis occur?

14 The following are functions of the kidney except:

15 Which of the following is/are the earliest group of animals that colonized the terrestial environment? I. colentrates, II. arthropods, III. vertebrates.

16 The marine environment is rich in all of the following except:

17 __ can convert glucose to fat.

18 The ability to maintain a relatinely constant body temperature independent of the environmental temperature is termed __.

19 Open circulatory system is found in the following groups of organisms except:

20 The following are extracellular fluids except?

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