TMA Quiz Questions 
Matric Number: SCORE=9.50
GST202 - Fundamentals of Peace and Resolutions
Mr. Amusa Jamiu Oluwadamilare (jamusa@noun.edu.ng )
1 The marxian theory of conflict is about ______________

2 Which of these cause of conflict is related to maslow theory of need

3 The conflict of "fulfillment progression" is related to the theory of _______________

4 Cold war, terrorism religious conflicts are examples of _____________

5 All these are type of conflict except ______________

6 Which of these classicication of conflict is most prevalent in africa

7 The philosopher who opined that the degree of inequality in the distribution of resources generate inherent conflict of interest is _____________

8 The proletariats are called _____________

9 The theory of emergence of charismatic leader who could moslize the sub-ordinate can be traced to ______________

10 All the following are possible causes of conflict except _________________

11 The term conflict is derived from the latin word_____________

12 Which of these does not agree with conflict

13 Conflict could arise as a result of differences in _________

14 Which of the following statement best deseribes conflict

15 The definition of conflict as opposition among social entities directed against one another can be credited to _________

16 Conflict and competition are two point on a continum. Which of these statements is correct

17 The assertion that conflict are processes that tend to degenerate from non-violent to violent and from crisis to full-scale war can be credited to ___________

18 Which of these parties or characters may not involve in conflict creation

19 One of the following proponents do not see anything wrong in conflict. He sees conflict as an instrument of change

20 The principle of exogenous and endogenous conflict was postulated by __________________

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