TMA Quiz Questions 
Matric Number:  SCORE=9.50
GST202 - Fundamentals of Peace and Resolutions
Mr. Amusa Jamiu Oluwadamilare (jamusa@noun.edu.ng )
1 ________ is the critical review interpretation and explanation of what is observed and recorded about conflict situation

2 ________ are those men and women group or parties who are directly or indirectly involved in conflict and its outcome

3 All these are cartegories of stakeholders except ______

4 The criteria for determining stakeholders include all the following except

5 The elements required to structure analysis of stakeholder include the following except

6 For a conflict analyst all the following are essentials except ________

7 There are two major types of power that can be exercised during conflict. They are _________________

8 The party that often hide their identities during conflict situation but supply primary party is called ________

9 One of the following is not part of the pre-intervertion conflict analysis

10 For conflict management practitioners to have a clear picture of issues he must use one of the following analytical tools

11 Which of these best described the mitigated phase in conflict resolution?

12 The resolution phase is characterised by all these except

13 The two basic dimension of conflict handling styles are

14 The dimension of behaviour that can be used to explain or define conflict handing styles include all the following except ______

15 The process which involve monitoring, observing and recording the trend of change and continuity in the conflict process

16 A conflict handing style that is characterized as unassertive and cooperative is called _______

17 When you are partially assertive and partially cooperative in a conflict handing process, it regarded as

18 Which of these conflict handling styles can be grouped under the second model

19 In the second model, at what point will parties in conflict show respect for differences and look for ways to end problem

20 The graphical representation of the conflict in which of the conflicting parties are placed in relation to the situation on ground is called ________

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