TMA Quiz Questions
Matric Number:  SCORE=10.00
GST202 - Fundamentals of Peace and Resolutions
Mr. Amusa Jamiu Oluwadamilare (jamusa@noun.edu.ng )
1 Conflict was viewed as having a constructive contribution towards a healthy industrial order. This is according to _________________

2 The theory which sees conflict as dysfunctional, abnormal and a disease which can be endemic to a society is called ______

3 Going by the assumption on ethnicity and conflict __________ argued that ethnicity and nationalism are not given but are social and political construction

4 Ethnicity and nationalism are the creation of elites who draw upon distorted and fabricated materials from culture of the group to gain political and economics advantage. This position is an extracts from

5 The individualism in conflict transformation posited that " A collectivist society is __________ an individual society is ______

6 Conflict is related to meaning, meaning to knowledge and knowledge is rooted in __________

7 Which of these is not a proposition on roles according to turner

8 Some trade actors or network that may involve in causing or exacerbating conflict include those in ______________

9 Which of these communities do not see conflict as negative in their language

10 Conflict tends to evolve in a ___________ patterns

11 ___________ and ___________ are the key propelling variables in conflict escalation

12 Which of these stages of conflict is out of place: formation stages ---- esealation stage ------ transformation stage -------- violent stage---------- de-escalation stage

13 Which of these stages is characterized by the formation of enemy images

14 At what stage of conflict situation will parties involved begin to experience gradual cessation of hostifity

15 Which of these is not an indicator of impending conflict

16 Going by the paper on Danida conference on Conflict Prevention and Peace Building in Africa, at what phase can a conflict be easily nipped in the bud

17 At what phase according to Bjon Mollar will conflicting parties express their demands and grieveances openly, but only by legal means

18 The phase of conflict that is characterised by direct physical attacks and confrontation leading to spilling of blood and loss of life is known as ___________

19 At what definte phase will violence breed further violence producing an escalatory momentum

20 At the point when conflicting parties have temporarily exhausted their supply of weaponry, leading to lower intensity is called __________

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