TMA Quiz Questions
: SCORE= 9.50
Mr. Kadafur Joshua Samson (jkadafur@noun.edu.ng )
1 Benthic zone is the _______________.

2 Inland wetlands are also known as _____________.

3 Which of the following describes a large, deep and human-made body of fresh water?

4 Flowing water results in ________________.

5 The ____________ of a stream may be thought of as a long narrow path, shaped by the forces of the following water.

6 Which of these is the second zone of the lake?

7 Nigeria enjoys a warm _____________.

8 Which of these is not among the four distinct zones of a lake?

9 Water is a ____________.

10 Stored water may be used for all but one of the following.

11 A lake is a body of water that occupies a depression on the ___________ and is completely surrounded by land.

12 The ___________ lake has large amount of nutrients.

13 Profundal zone is the deep part of the lake where ____________.

14 The____________ lake is deep and the water is crystal clear

15 Which type of lake has small supply of nutrients?

16 Reservoirs are built behind _____________ and its water is released in controlled water.

17 The ___________ lake is shallow and its water is cloudy

18 The two types of freshwater lakes are ___________ and _____________.

19 Rainwater goes through all but one of these processes.

20 What is the purpose of constructing reservoirs?

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