TMA Quiz Questions
Mr. Kadafur Joshua Samson (jkadafur@noun.edu.ng )
1 Coastal vegetation is associated with the ____________.

2 Which of these ecological zone is described as the Nigerian dry land by researchers?

3 The savannah vegetation consists of all but one of these:

4 The types of vegetation in any region is influenced by the ___________ of that region.

5 Vegetation types in Nigeria includes all but one of the following:

6 Vegetation in any region has been affected by __________ activities.

7 Vegetation refers to any plant life found______ in a place.

8 The total area of inland water bodies in Nigeria is estimated to be roughly about _____________million hectares.

9 Which among the river systems cannot be found in western Nigeria?

10 The coastal drainage system drains directly into the ______

11 Which of these is not among the major features of ecosystem?

12 Which of these is not among the main components of an ecosystem?

13 Ecosystem can also be known as---------------------.

14 An ecological system is a set of interdepent________and______ components

15 Organic or biotic is otherwise known as

16 The sun illumines and warms the earth and supplies the energy used by _____________ to synthesize the compounds.

17 All but one of these make up the fresh water swamp

18 Mangrove forest thrives in all but one of the following regions:

19 Plant life found in coastal vegetation include__________

20 The dry land is notably good for _________ crop and __________ for livestock.

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