TMA Quiz Questions
  SCORE= 8.50
Mr. Kadafur Joshua Samson (jkadafur@noun.edu.ng )
1 The geology of Nigeria is dominated by -------------------

2 The southward migration of the ITD brings about___________

3 The northward migration of the ITD brings about --------------------.

4 Inter-tropical discontinuity (ITD) may also be known as-----------------

5 The boundary surface between the tropical maritime and the tropical continental air masses is known as ---------------------.

6 The tropical maritime air mass originates from-------------

7 The tropical continental air mass originates from-------------

8 Nigeria’s climate is influenced by the interaction of--------------------

9 The tropical climate condition has a relative___________ temperature through out the year

10 Nigeria's climate is made up of ----------------------.

11 Nigeria enjoys a warm-------------------------.

12 Which of these is not among the major features of ecosystem?

13 Which of these is not among the main components of an ecosystem?

14 Ecosystem can also be known as ______________.

15 An ecological system is a set of interdepent________and______ components

16 Organic or biotic is otherwise known as

17 The sun illumines and warms the earth and supplies the energy used by _____________ to synthesize the compounds.

18 All but one of these make up the fresh water swamp

19 Mangrove forest thrives in all but one of the following regions:

20 Plant life found in coastal vegetation include__________

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